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How Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration Extends File Protection in Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB)

CASBs have proven to be highly valuable to enterprises on a variety of fronts. At their core, a CASB is able to extend security policy to an enterprise’s cloud applications in much the same way a traditional firewall would protect on-premise applications. However, what we often see is that a CASB can lose control over data after it has been accessed. Users can still copy the content, store it in insecure personal drives, share it with other parties, or have it compromised by malware or attackers. While a CASB can help illuminate an application blind spot, it does not ensure that data itself remains safe. This is where Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration compliments a CASB solution.

Download this white paper to learn:

  • An overview of the features and capabilities of CASB solutions 
  • How Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration Extends File Protection in Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB) 
  • How Digital Guardian Secure Collaboration + CASB gives organizations a chance to open up their ruleset so they can be more flexible and still stay secure.